Life-Saving LED Exit Signs with Emergency Lighting


In terms of day-to-day work, normal LEDs can efficiently take care of your commercial locality. However, in times of an emergency, an exit sign with special lighting is required in order to evacuate people stuck in a warehouse or other place. This emergency can be in the form of power cuts, fire outbreaks or even in terms of any natural calamity. In these scenarios, access to natural sunlight is usually limited or impossible to access. This is where LED exit signs with Emergency Lighting act as a boon.

Besides accessing the LED exit signs, it is also important that they are placed in an accurate location. The sole task of properly putting these signs in their planning as well as while structuring a new business location falls in the hands of architects and building owners. It is mandatory that these Exit Signs align with regulations and standards in place to perform their value-added functions. When these Exit Signs with Emergency Lighting are based on LED they are durable as well conform to being energy efficient.

Accurate Placement as well as Installation of Exit Signs with Emergency Lighting-

The principles and guidelines for the ease in the placement and instalment of these LED-based Exit Signs are laid down by The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). These procedures include information in terms of how the exit signs should be set up in a position where there is a change of direction. Moreover, the exit signs should be there at every exit door so that people can follow through. The emergency lighting should be present near firefighting equipment so that individuals can grab the same in times of need. Moreover, Exit signs with Emergency lighting should be present near the emergency staircase so that people can change their route if needed in times of a fire breakout.

Combo Pack of LED Exit and Emergency Light-

At Nothing But LEDs, you can access the advantage of buying Exit signs in a pack of two. These exit signs are also available in colours such as a red combo set or even a green light combo set. With a capacity of 1.3W, these lights convert 90% of their energy to produce light. A different variety of LED-based Exit Signs backed by Emergency Lighting are also available in the form of a pictorial image. These signs in the form of a running man serve their purpose without requiring any individual to read the words EXIT written over the sign. With a current discharge of 4W or 3.5W, these graphical Exit Signs can be apt for certain commercial centres based on their requirement. People can simply follow the lead as to where these sign boards lead them. All LED-based lighting structures support the fact that little to no heat is generated and minimal current gets wasted in terms of heat energy. These LED-based Exit signs are a solution for those buildings, rooms or complexes wherein there is an absence of a window or the natural light does not fall in their direction. Moreover, even if the natural light can penetrate through in the said location, it becomes difficult to figure out anything in the event of fire wherein flames are emerging everywhere. With Nothing But LEDs, you get to set up our specialised flame retardant Exit Signs at your commercial centres. Now in the case of any emergency such as a fire, the emergency lighting in these Exit Signs will generate optimum light for the people to follow the said directions and reach a safe location. In addition to that, the designing of these exit signs is done out of thermoplastic that can resist high pressure as well as be in operation for at least 90 minutes and more. 

Why is LED opted over Standard Lighting Solutions?

As compared to any standard incandescent lights, LED-based lights will require a fraction of the current discharge at their disposal. Additionally, in terms of its results, LED-based lights will radiate an equivalent amount of light as their counterparts but with minimal heat generation. Moreover, they can last for a longer duration of time as much as 25 years. When LED-based are better on the pocket in terms of saving up on the electricity bills, businesses opt for the same as they value customer’s money besides offering other advantages.

Nothing But LEDs offers one of the most renowned LED lighting fixes for your commercial location. Moreover, we think about the emergency situation in terms of any sudden outbreaks that your workspace might have to handle. This is why we have designed extremely sturdy Exit Signs supported with Emergency Lighting so that they can stand through in times of need. We offer a variety of options in terms of usage of watts by these LED lights. This will make it easier for you to choose the kind of Exit Sign required for your manufacturing unit as per the power supply accessible to you. Yet, if you need any help in terms of any guidance while choosing the absolute best Exit Sign with Emergency Lighting, please feel free to Contact Us. We provide all LED-based lighting solutions from inception to installation. When you think about LEDs, think about Nothing But LEDs as we think about you!

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